Don't Forget to Look Up

Ever feel like the cares of the world are sitting on your shoulders? Sometimes you don't even realize it's happening until you are almost physically hunched over. You go along, nose to the grindstone day after day until you realize that you haven't looked up in quite a while. Looking up is one of God's greatest gifts of peace. The biggest stress reliever ever created. After getting a series of stressful emails demanding answers, I looked up from my busy, stressed out grindstone mentality yesterday and saw my 5 year old sitting right next to me, laughing. I actually had the privilege of watching unconfined joy spill out into the room. And, I had the added benefit of being able to do a momma nuzzle on her soft cheek. Wow! My eyes were opened to see what true riches are and how they are right at my fingertips on a daily basis if I just have the eyes to see them. This time of year, God is painting beautiful scenes like this...