God, You're Asking Us To Do What??

We are a pretty normal family. I mean, if normal means we can still be kind of weird and like it that way. But, we are like anyone else. We like to take fancy family pictures. Just a side note: Do not attempt three outfit changes for your family for outside pictures. Bicyclers and runners WILL come by at inopportune moments......

We like to have fun.

We love vacations and our creature comforts. It's nice to jump in our cars and go wherever we want, Target being my main destination. 

But then, in the midst of normal life, God began pulling us here:

This is Guatemala City dump. Over 1,000 people live right around this enormous trash pile. They work there every day and they raise their families in the middle of the smell and sight of a whole city's trash. Their kids grow up believing that this is all they will ever be and the cycle continues. Very few ever get out.

What started for our family as a one time, 8 day mission trip became a passion. As our pastor says, "Once you see it, you own it.". In other words, you can't turn your back on it ever again. A small flame erupts inside your heart and every time you go back, it gets bigger and more intense. God did not create these people so that they could live their lives in a trash heap.

Did I mention that medical waste is also dumped there? That those precious Guatemalan people are walking and digging in the middle of used needles and bandages with every kind of disease on them? Oh, and lest I forget, the national cemetery sits on a hill right above. (where we took this picture) The cemetery has graves for rent. Yes, for rent. And when families stop paying the rent, they dump the bodies over into that same trash heap. Hundreds of buzzards fly around and land on the trash. It is a scene straight out of a horror movie.

I could go on and on. The situation is so overwhelming. How in the world can a salesman, a stay at home mom and three small kids make a dent there???
This was the prayer we prayed. Let me just tell you that God LOVES those prayers. I fully picture Him on the edge of his throne cushion, (At least I imagine He has a nice, fluffy cushion to sit on.) just waiting for someone to ask Him what they can do. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Matt 9:37

And so began our journey........ 
Next up, God makes us a huge answer to prayer.


  1. Lindsay SchonbernerAugust 4, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    I love this Lisa! He IS doing great things through you and the future is so exciting!

  2. Thank you Linds!! I'm so grateful that you guys choose to be a part of our trips!


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