Only God Can Label You

Poor Jason. This picture was from his Guatemala trip last week with our friend and board member, Scott. To get to our schools in the mountains, they had to climb aboard a small airplane, which had to land on a tiny strip of gravel covered runway. The police had to be called to move the drunks off the runway so they could land. After a big bounce and sliding sideways, they finally came to a stop. Needless to say, it was pretty stressful!

The people in this mountain area have been labeled: Rejects. A people taken from their home years ago and dropped off in the middle of a mountainous no-where, left to survive on their own. No wonder they have the highest suicide rate in the entire nation of Guatemala!

So their government has done a pretty good job of selling them their label as rejects. How have people tried to define you? Circumstances and life experiences work to make us feel less than what God intended. But the truth is, each of us is uniquely made by God. How do we keep our hearts and minds focused on the truth of our identity? What is the key that opens the prison door of false, negative labels that attempt to trap us and make us powerless? The key, already in your hands is this:

Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

Set your heart and mind focused on the truth of God's love and let that be the ONLY thing that defines you.

Please consider partnering with us in bringing curriculum to the children of Guatemala for the 2015 school year. Here is how you can help:

Go to our facebook page and click the donate button.

Also please pray for our family. Prayers are priceless!


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