Lap Desks for the Car

Our car DVD player is playing sick right now, so I am having to get creative for our road trips. I so loved the party trays I made with the Dollar Tree metal trays, that I decided to use them again. I sprayed them pink, cut up a vinyl tablecloth for the center (so they could use playdoh on it and I could just wipe it clean), and finished the edges with some ribbon. I printed off some free paper dolls onto magnetic paper, so they can play with those on the backs of the trays.

I used E6000 glue for the tablecloths and if I did it over, I would use spray adhesive instead. The E6000 leaked through in a few places, making dark spots visible. I also would use ONE piece of ribbon to trim the edges instead of 4 pieces. I ended up having to make bows to cover the messy corners.


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