Happy Mother's Day

Being a mom has stretched my heart wider than I ever knew it could go and made me more vulnerable than  I would ever have chosen to be. And I LOVE every minute of it! Well, maybe not every minute, but at least 90% of the minutes. Some days 85%, but I digress.

As I looked through old pictures to find the ones I wanted to share on this blog, I got teary eyed several times. It is so good to look at the women you come from. The beautiful, strong, loving women. I especially enjoy seeing pictures of them at my age or younger and who they were before they had large families, children and grandchildren.

I am so thankful for my mom. She was/is my teacher, protector, intercessor, confidant, comforter and friend. And I am thankful for both of my grandmothers and the sacrifices they made to pass on such a wonderful legacy to all of us.

I saw a sign that sums it up: Home Is Where Your Mom Is!

I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!

My Grandma Meeks

One of my all time favorite pictures. My grandma raised 5 kids and she knows how to love babies!

My Grandma Crews

Look how stylish and pretty my dad's mom was!

And My Momma

We're # 1!

The movie star

Hot mamma

This picture captures the safety, warmth and simplicity of being a kid and having your mom take care of you.

Look at that gorgeous hair!

Even in the 70's and 80's, Mom rocked the style! My pretty mom!


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